Download Essential Latin book
Authоr: G.D.A. Sharpley
ІSBN: 9780203165300
Book format: pdf, epub, text, ipad, audio, android, ebook
Dаtе аddеd: 26.08.2012
Size: 5.70 MB
The ideal introduction to the world of ancient Rome for students and armchair enthusiasts alike, this text presents a comprehensive survey of the language, life and customs of a culture that continues.

Two Hundred Essential Latin Words.
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John Taylor is Head of Classics, Tonbridge School, Kent. He is the author of the widely used textbook 'Greek to GCSE' and co-author, with Stephen Anderson, of 'Greek
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Essential Latin
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Two Hundred Essential Latin Words more or less. These are among the most common words in Latin. Taken together, they account for almost half the words in a typical
Essential Latin
Essential GCSE Latin: John.